The European Union has a world leading position in tourism. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) operating in the tourism sector represent the core of this 


We are able to offer SMEs everything from technical solutions, skills Scale-up, the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), EU SME support initiatives and advice on 

Download the Policy Brief. The SME Policy Index: Eastern Partner Countries 2016 – Assessing the Implementation of the Small Business Act for Europe offers policy makers and other stakeholders in the EaP countries a framework to assess progress in designing and implementing effective SME Enterprise and Industry Civil Society Dialogue, EU SME policy 31/03/2011 | SMEs - EU’s growth engine Gains and losses in employment (in %) -20,0%-15,0%-10,0%-5,0% 0,0% 5,0% 10,0% 15,0% 20,0% 25,0% 30,0% Mining Manufacturing Energy Construction Distribution Tourism Transport & Communication Business Services % change over 3 years Micro Small Medium Large “The EU should support SMEs both through a strengthened EU pro-SME action agenda and through energising the national SME policies”, Markus Beyrer, Director General of BUSINESSEUROPE, said at the SME Intergroup meeting convened by its President, MEP Otmar Karas, on 26 January. carried out by the network of SME Envoys2, and takes into account the policy debate on future SME policy held at the Competitiveness Council of Ministers in September 2013. There is broad agreement on the need to keep and further develop the SBA as the Commission’s policy instrument to promote SMEs and entrepreneurship 2015-2020. Document or Iniciative Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions of 10 November 2005, entitled Implementing the Community Lisbon programme - Modern SME policy for growth and employmen SME definition The European Commission Recommendation 2003/361 sets out the main factors for determining whether a company is an small and medium-sized enterprise (SME).

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The EU’s state aid policy has for a long time treated SMEs favourably, recognising the special difficulties they face on account of their size. SMEs are a major focus of EU policy. The Europe - an Commission aims to promote entrepreneur-ship and improve the business environment for SMEs, thereby allowing them to realise their full potential in today’s global economy. Identifying genuine SMEs SMEs come in many different shapes and sizes; however, in today’s complex business environ- Bilateral SME policy dialogues. The Commission also established SME policy dialogues bilaterally (USA, China, Korea, etc.) and multilaterally (EU-MED Cooperation, Eastern Partnership). These dialogues aim to align the policy framework for SMEs across borders and discuss best practices for SME policy.

The European Commission recognised the central role that SMEs play in the European economy through the Small Business Act in 2008, a comprehensive policy 

Partner countries. May 29, 2020 The note developed by the CD Trento Centre for Local Development of the OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities  Jul 11, 2020 The policy mix will need to shift from its initial focus on the survival of European SMEs in the short term, towards a more structural and  Article - European Economic Policy The SME monitor for EU initiatives strengthens the involvement of SME s in important EU projects.

The EU SME Strategy for a sustainable and digital Europe (.pdf) supports European SMEs through strengthening their capacities to adapt to climate neutrality challenges, help them to reap the benefits of digitalisation, reduce the regulatory burden that SMEs face, and improve their opportunities to access finance.

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Swedish SME interest associations, and European SME federations, constitute the units of analysis.

3. Research Organisations, Universities, Technology Centers. 10. Other Ecosystem  Policy Officer - SME policy co-ordination. Europeiska unionen > Europeiska kommissionen > Generaldirektoratet för inre marknaden, industri, entreprenörskap  1, Förkortningar och uttryck rörande Horisont 2020 & EU:s energi- och transportpolitik. 2, Sammanställt 86, EUSME2020, EU SME, stöd för SME som vill delta i Horisont2020-projekt Industry driven policy initiative.
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This unique collaboration with  Cluster composition. 51. Cluster Members.

Based on ten principles with actions for Member States and regions, the document proposes a new approach to entrepreneurship. SME policy in the EU Defining SMEs. SMEs’ job creation potential began to be better understood in the 1980s and the first ever European Introducing a policy framework.
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Bilateral SME policy dialogues. The Commission also established SME policy dialogues bilaterally (USA, China, Korea, etc.) and multilaterally (EU-MED Cooperation, Eastern Partnership). These dialogues aim to align the policy framework for SMEs across borders and discuss best practices for SME policy.

SMEs are the backbone of the EU economy and have been placed in the focus of European policy following the adoption of the Small Business Act in 2008.